What Is REALLY Behind the Pro-Life Movement? A Response

a depiction of the abortion debate
I created this ink illustration in 1990 as part of an ad that I intended to run in the Kansas City Star. I never followed through, but I still think it’s a pretty fair depiction of the abortion debate. So I put it in my video…

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, despite the consequential events that have occurred in the world over recent months. The reason for my disappearance is that I’ve been working on a video. I’ll keep this post short because I’m hoping you will watch the video. I also hope you will like, subscribe, and share it. (Assuming of course that you like it, want to see more, and think it’s worth sharing!)

I’ve wanted to get into video for some time because I’ve heard that more people are inclined to watch than read, especially young people. However, I don’t particularly like being in front of a camera, so my art and design will serve as the visual part. I don’t particularly like the sound of my voice either, but there’s not much I can do about that.

…Except maybe, for the narration of my next video, I’m thinking of faking a Scottish accent. ‘Cause…you know…my name is Scott. So even if it’s badly done, no one can accuse me of not being Scottish.

This first video is a response to another video, narrated by actress Alyssa Milano, that came out just days after the Supreme Court decision sending the question of abortion rights back to the states. Milano’s video is called, “The History of Abortion.” Many of the statements made in that video were so egregiously incorrect that I just couldn’t ignore it. I think you’ll find my video response fascinating, and you’ll hear some things you haven’t heard before.

At the same time, I’m hoping that my video won’t come off as an attack. It’s clear to me that God has called us to be peacemakers and ministers of reconciliation. For some time I’ve felt compelled to be a bridge-builder to whatever extent that is possible. Unfortunately I still see far too little of this in public discourse, and I’m especially bothered by people who call themselves Christians and conservatives behaving like jerks toward people who disagree with them.

Of Course, this is a human tendency, not a Christian or conservative one, but I guess it’s just that I expect more from people who call themselves followers of Jesus. Thanks to all of you who have commented here over the years, for your respectful approach!

I think I will leave it at that for now, and let the video speak for itself. I will need to follow this up soon with a post for my pro-life friends, as I’ve been doing an informal survey and would love to hear your opinions as well. I will leave you hanging as to what my question is, though if you watch the video you might figure it out.

Here is the link:

3 thoughts on “What Is REALLY Behind the Pro-Life Movement? A Response

  1. You will not find even 5 people documented as dying from falling coconuts each year.

    While I pray people don’t choose abortion, I refuse to judge a woman’s choice to terminate her pregnancy; I have not walked in her shoes.

    I do appreciate your appeal for respect from all sides.

    • Thank you Scott,
      You may very well be right about the coconut number. I got my number (150 deaths per year) from a paper by the Australian government,(Australian Institute of Marine Science), which I assumed to be reputable, so I did not double check. I see that Wikipedia disputes that number. To be safe, I now I wish I had used “bee stings,” or “lightening strikes,” or “bathtub drownings.” My point remains, the year before Roe was decided, there were nowhere near “thousands” of women dying due to illegal abortions, and I think it is unethical for people to continue using the “thousands” number to scare people into supporting elective abortion.

      I do appreciate the correction and your taking the time to express your opinion!

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